Apple has just launched the iPhone 5 in the last week. And the best-selling sweet. However, many parties who questioned why the latest iPhone is not equipped with NFC, charging, wireless and security of biometric fingerprint scanning to wear.
Although disappointed that no corresponding desire, fans expect, Apple issued immediately with the latest lines feature a complete, less than a year since the launch of the iPhone 5.
In a report titled "Why the Apple iPhone 5 ' s Lack of Killer Features is Pure Genius", in Money Morning speculated that the reason why Apple didn't add features on top, because new features will appear in the upcoming iPhone devices in next spring.
"What if Apple has decided to modify the upgrade cycle of Apple for two iPhone in a year instead of just the one?," writing advice.
The report also noted Apple need to really learn from the sale of its products in the quarter ending June. At the time, the sale of iPhone 4S slid dramatically, because consumers are waiting for the latest models. Not only the iPhone 4S to compete with the arrival of the iPhone 5 rumor, but also an influx of new smartphones to the market.
This is not only increasing competition to look out for Apple. The value of the iPhone is about half of Apple's revenue and about two-thirds of Apple's profits. To that end, the company wanted to avoid "a dramatic shift in sales of iPhone" because of the significant impact of the company's revenue.
"Without continued to innovate, which makes a person familiar with Apple, companies risk losing the appeal of consumers," said Ovum Analyst, Adam Leach.
With increasing competition and customers loyal Apple customers, tend to wait for months to renew their iPhone. Although they can choose Windows Mobile or Android device.
The report concludes that if it wants to compete with the market growing smartphone , Apple needs to be diligent-diligent refreshing, iPhone will have to wait a year.
"In fact, features like the series, let alone the larger screen and LTE, not enough to make the iPhone product for 12 months," the report claims.
The report also predicts that the next autumn, Apple fans can expect to see the battery cell technology-fueled thrifty and NFC added to Passbook savings.
However, other reports have the opposite opinion that an annual release cycle is a good thing for Apple. DigiTimes last noted that Apple's strategy of launching a new model of smartphone each year allows companies to be able to focus on the overall smartphone design and manufacturing details. (art